Many people keep thinking that how to shed extra weight and how to burn extra calories without doing any exercise at all.The truth is that its a dream to shed those extra calories without doing any exercise at all but there are some super foods out there which ca help you in burning the fat with very little physical effort from your side.If you add these super foods in your diet,you will be amazed at the pace at which your fat burns.So the best thing about this method is that you need not to be enemy of food to burn extra calories.Add following foods in your diet to burn fat and to reduce your weight.
1.Green Tea
Green tea is first in this category and is very popular among the people who try to burn their calories without doing much exercise.It contains antioxidants and catechins which helps you in burning calories at a fast pace.
1.Green Tea
Green tea is first in this category and is very popular among the people who try to burn their calories without doing much exercise.It contains antioxidants and catechins which helps you in burning calories at a fast pace.